V0dka..... b0ught by my c0usin at singap0re 4 his br0ther's engagement....my dad b0ught s0me label 5 few n 0ther wine...but i didnt get the chance t0 take picture...huhuhuhu.... 

This picture was taken at tanju 0f my village...enj0ying the view...

2008 raya 0pen h0use at nadia's h0use...
Great last day at kampung...
This picture was taken during 0ur hiking trip...my grandma n aunties didnt let us g0 hiking as they saw that it was danger0us...but we were all t00 stubburn t0 listen t0 them..hehehe...but the trip was really fun...the view fr0m the t0p is really amazing...we can even see 0ther village and s0me part 0f bet0ng t0wn....
We were sitting at the same positi0n as bef0re...see h0w everythings change....
The star 0f c0usins...
2008 smk matang jaya merdeka day celebration....
Christmass eve mass

With tw0 0f my crazy cousins...we enj0y our times laughing till we felt like mau kencing....hahaha...(^_^)
Picture with my br0ther...taken at my kpg kitchen...its kitchen's bilik actually since it was a l0nghouse..

Taken at sugarbun at tHe spring after a ceramah 0 wats0ever....mahfuz steal sugarbun punya thing..!! hahaha....

2008 raya 0pen h0use at nadia's h0use...

AFTER...Fr0m left:Stacey,n0el,my br0ther,nana,sc0tt and me...


L0ve my hubby..!!
Taken during ramah tamah aidilfitri at skewl...we didnt wear the same colour which make me m00dy with my hubby.....huhuhuhu....but my hubby really kn0w h0w t0 make me smile....hehehehe....L0ve ya..!!

Did u see the heart shape 0f this cloud..? Sweet rite..?
Christmas.....lambatnya upl0ad gambar...hehehehe...taken at st.j0seph's cathedral....can't wait f0r an0ther christmas.....
Yeah...an0ther picture 0f me...in fr0nt 0f an anglican church in bet0ng...
Picture 0f me during my uncle's wedding...this picture was taken at t0p 0f i-dunn0-where...it was teally h0t but i manage t0 smile...usually i went sulking f0r h0urs in the h0t weather...manners,manners...
The guitar 0f me n my bel0ved hubby.....l0vely aite...hehehe....but im n0t playing guitar anym0re..lalalala...
Here a picture taken fr0m the tip 0f b0rne0...amazing rite...i just cant st0p l0oking at the sea...0MG0MG0MG0MG0MG!!!!Its really breathtaking...lalalala....t0ld my hubby dat i wan t0 g0 t0 tip 0f b0rne0 with him 0ne day...h0neym00n..hehehehe...
This picture was taken during a family trip t0 m0unt kinabalu...we st0p at the r0ad side c0z mylil br0ther want t0 pee....temperature 0ut here is quite c0ld...but n0t that c0ld..but the view is really nice...its really fun...with all my cousins around...