CwIt Mem0RieS
from right,starts from n0.1:
me with my medal and......stick>>?
shaheera,martina,areen,syarina,adelynne,mitchel,ramizah muna,clausanta,dyg.hanizah,melissa,joscelyn,angah,lyshia,noraina...
it wasnt my stick is school's stick...i played using my 0wn stick that was given by my cousin,ey0n...thanx ey0n...l0ve u..!

H0w b0ut the h0ckey t0urnament..?
It was GREAT!! We w0n..!!Sec0nd was great..!!
Mtg Jaya vs. SMK Lake (2-0)
Mtg Jaya vs. SMK Lake (2-0)
Mtg Jaya vs. SMK TAR (0-0)
Mtg Jaya vs. SMK Paku(0-0)
Mtg Jaya vs. SMK penrissen (0-0)
The game was using the league system...1 win and 3 tie was 0kay...l0ts 0f the c0aches and teachers said that we played a nice game....even our teacher are happy with our game.....but we didnt have the finishing...i mean the g0al....btw,we enj0yed the game...we even went t0 the nearby sh0pping c0mplex and played game at the was reli fun..!During the cl0sing cerem0ny,they announced players that are selected f0r centralised training f0r h0ckey kuching's team...i was like OMG!!! i was ch0sen...i really didnt expect t0 get ch0sen bez fwen,muna 0bviously was ch0sen...she was like pemain harapan in our team n 0ls0 0ur captain...glad that i have her...pr0ud t0 be her bestfwen....hehehe...
but in the end......i was kinda sad....this will be the last year f0r me t0 play f0r my school as i was in f0rm g0nna miss 0l this cwit reli2 sad.....
CwIt Mem0RieS...
hahaha... taniah..
ReplyDeleteGood job... congrats!!! :D