C0z its friday..!!Blh la plg awal....hehe...my hubby sent me h0me...thanks hubby..(^_^)
as s0on as i reach h0me,mcm biasa...cari makanan..hehehe...i l0ved eating but badan still maintain kecikk...hmm...weird...need s0me help ere...sad....i didnt find any fo0d that i want to eat...hmm....s0 i juz went t0 sleep skejap..i didnt msg my hubby c0z i kn0w that he's sleeping....s0,tak mau ganggu....cian my hubby...tired...then petang...after eating a full plate 0f chicken rice,i t0ok my bath..then br msg my hubby...that evening,we spend time t0gether...bez sangat2..! 1stly,i didnt let my hubby pulang...but then,tpaksalah...es0k jumpa lg...huhu...
0h ya,i juz received letter 0f inf0rmation 0n h0ckey...training will start this c0ming m0nday...20th april 2009..training f0r 0ne week then i'll be heading t0 bintulu..thats mean 2 weeks i will n0t g0ing t0 skewl...t0 all my teachers...s0rry i cant c0me t0 sch00l....but i'll pr0mise t0 study as well...pinky swear..i have pr0mise with my parents that i'll study as well...n0t thinking 0f h0ki 0nly...
speaking 0f that,i will n0t be in school f0r 2 weeks....thats mean,cnnt jumpa my hubby everyday..!! Sedih la jugak.....huhuhuhu....i'll be missing my hubby s0 much...!!!!

sikda sory sory sik datang sekolah.. hahahah