Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Its been a week in k0ta kinabalu...i've been sh0pping like crazy..i think i spend a l0t here..here is like the best place t0 sh0p c0mpare t0 kuching...i n0e..kuching is my h0met0wn..but when it c0mes t0 sh0p,k0ta kinabalu is better...k0ta kinabalu is a fast devel0p city while kuching is quite sl0w...blah,blah,blah,blah....

Yesterday went t0 pasar filipine t0 search f0r s0me pearl necklace f0r my mum..its quite cheap there..plus,can tawar lg..then went jalan t0 warisan square...jalan2 there..went t0 padini t0 buy tshirt f0r my hubby..hehe...h0pe he didnt read this..cuz it is a suprised..i t0ld him earlier that i didnt get anything f0r him..l0l..b0ught s0me keychain f0r few 0f my friends..then went t0 this 0ne sh0p t0 search f0r a dress...but c0uldnt find 0ne...c0z 0f my small sized b0dy..damn..! Then went t0 big apple d0nuts..yipee..!! at kuching there's 0nly 0ne big apple d0nuts..at THE SPRINGS..and its far fr0m my h0me..huhu..after 4 hours 0f sh0pping,went back h0me and BBQ..!! Yummy2 lamb ch0p..

Im quite tired the 0ther day but n0w,i have the chance t0 update my bl0g c0z t0day teda jalan2 c0z i'll be g0ing back t0 limbang..my mum's kpg..2007 is the last time i went back there...miss my nephew and niece a l0t..! They're just s0 damn CUTE..!!Cant wait t0 be back at limbang..but i reli hate the j0urney...l0ng h0urs 0f j0urney...damn..you have t0 pass around mayb 4 cust0m check in 0rder t0 reach limbang..pretty sad th0u dat i'll be g0in back fr0m sabah...but,after spm i'll be g0in straight t0 sabah..! Yipee..! Having ma h0liday in pulau..!! I reli l0ve beaches...

g0tta g0 n0w...wanna watch m0vie..l8tr..!

p/s: i w0nt be updating my bl0g as my kpg in limbang has n0 internet access..will be updating asa im back in kuching..that will be 0n sunday..

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