Its been alm0st 1 week i didnt update my bl0g...didnt have the time t0 d0 s0....busy wit h0mew0rk...studying...n m0st 0f 0l is h0ckey....since the t0urnament is a few days away 0nly...
ITS THIS C0MING M0NDAY..!! Starting fr0m 30 0f march till 3rd april...quite nervous though...we'll be c0mpetiting against SMK Lake,SMK Bau,SMK Penrissen,SMK Paku and .........cant remember....btw,h0pe students 0f SMK Matang Jaya will c0me and supp0rt 0ur skewl's h0ckey team....
think thats 0l f0r n0w...tiada idea...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
H0lidays 0ver guys..!!
H0lidays 0ver..!!Skejap bh ths h0liday...feels like mau h0liday lg...but 2m0r0 i get 2 see my friends...miz them 0l..miz them much,much...2m0r0 c0nfirm i felt like malas mau bgn dy this...huhuhu....stars fr0m 2m0r0 i have t0 study hard...y??C0 i've g0t spm this year...s0 what?N0 big deal..its juz is a big deal...
1st c0z its bout my future...
2nd c0z i'll be dead if i didnt sc0re f0r my dad g0nna KILL me..!punyalh byk pressure..
starting fr0m 2m0r0 i have t0 practise hard f0r my h0ckey tournament....the tournament is 0n the 30th until 31 0f march f0r the girls....Smk penrissen,lake,paku and bau if im n0t mistaken will take part in this tournament...g0tta be a tough t0urnament...i'll be updating my bl0g f0r the tournament..
td i spend my time wit my hubby....yea!!s0 happy...!he l0oks hands0me wit his new haircut..
i've t0ld him t0 d0 a haircut like chris daughtry but...nah...mayb s0me 0ther time larr...
0h & btw...
g0tta g0....
g0t skewl t0mm0r0w....
1st c0z its bout my future...
2nd c0z i'll be dead if i didnt sc0re f0r my dad g0nna KILL me..!punyalh byk pressure..
starting fr0m 2m0r0 i have t0 practise hard f0r my h0ckey tournament....the tournament is 0n the 30th until 31 0f march f0r the girls....Smk penrissen,lake,paku and bau if im n0t mistaken will take part in this tournament...g0tta be a tough t0urnament...i'll be updating my bl0g f0r the tournament..
td i spend my time wit my hubby....yea!!s0 happy...!he l0oks hands0me wit his new haircut..
i've t0ld him t0 d0 a haircut like chris daughtry but...nah...mayb s0me 0ther time larr...
0h & btw...
g0tta g0....
g0t skewl t0mm0r0w....
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Lets say im just 0kay t0day...but IM N0T..!!
*First c0z my hubby g0 t0 serian wif his friends...n i feel s0 far away fr0m my hubby....he never leaves me al0ne whch sp0ilt me lil bit...well...okae...a l0t....huhuhuhu.....miss u hubby....
*Sec0nd c0z my m0m didnt rel0ad f0r me....huhuhu...i shouldnt get angry wit her quite a sp0ilt child in my family...thats bc0z im the 0nly GURL...
*Third c0z im really tired after my h0ckey training...but my dad insisted on g0ing f0r jalan2...luckily we d0nt have t0....
*Fourth c0z celc0m punya sistem...punyalh *********....0wez aja pending...! WTF man....seriously...ur the n0.1 in sarawak but ur system like crap...urggh..!!
n0w i want t0 msg my hubby 0s0 susah...think i shud change t0 DIGI...
I'll tell my hubby bout it later....
I've g0t Bisaya Annual General Meeting 2m0r0....i'll get t0 see my cousins...naning..an0ng...imang..raphael...n the list g0es on....
proud t0 be a bisaya decent....(actually im mixed..iban n bisaya...)never heard of bisaya..? Think you should check it out in wikipedia f0r bisaya b0rneo....0 mayb you can juz type pesta babulang in the address c0lumn....
i've uploaded few phot0s 0f bisaya teens....
(these photos are taken during Rumah Terbuka Gawai Malaysia 2008 at indoor stadium)
we're n0t wearing our full access0ries when we suppose to...hehe..

I miss them 0l t0o.....hmm...bila lah ada masa mau kumpul2 like this again....miss 0l the cwit mem0ries during practising 4 national gawai dayak 0pen h0use....
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Just C0mplaining

think i should ask my hubby t0 read me a bedtime st0ry td...but..nah...nvrmind...he's the 0ne wh0 will be sleeping b4 the st0ry even finish....l0l..but...l0ve you hubby..!!(just s0 he didnt get mad...hehehe...)

im just brag-ing t0 much...
that's just me...
cant st0p brag-ing....
think im g0nna st0p brag-ing..
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tell you wat,dulu kn she n her bf were bitching bout my hubby....i trust her....c0z she's my friend...that causes me n my hubby gaduh2 sampai alm0st break up...but then i realised that my hubby were n0t like she mentioned....THANKS t0 y0u bitch c0z that makes me n my hubby cl0ser than bef0re....
Then.....she went 0n bitching....wit her bf...(Wat8vr s**t you were sh**ting bout)

Then few weeks ag0...she started bitching...wit s0me new bitches...hahaha...g0t new if i wud care.....
but what i care is she's bitching bout my BEST FRIEND...wh0 is als0 her friend 0r best friend 0 watever....

0uh...reli hate when s0meone mess with me....I HATE YOU S0 MUCH MY S0-CALLED-BESTFRIEND...
Bestfriends..? N0w she's kinda the backstabber.....i still remember dulu when she's bitching bout this 0ne gurl at our school....she said that this girl was a backstabber....and guess what? U'r 0ne 0f it..!
Sedar lah diri...n0 one likes you n ur 0h-s0-charming N0T bf....
Cant wait the day when you kn0w about 0l 0f our feeling t0wards you....
Geram bt0l..!
i hate you,i hate you,i hate you,i hate you..........
all you d0 is pretend that ur 0kae with us when the truth is N0T..
pretend t0 be my bestfriend....
if u hate me,just say it out....dun pretend that you like me and stab me at the back...

ur such a ML...s0...
Wat8vr maj0r l0ser!! Suck it up bitch...c0z eventually you'll be s0rry with wat you said....

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Its been s0o l0ng since i didnt update my bl0g....quite busy though....h0kiey...studying..well..n0t g0nna tell what im d0in last week...last saturday...i went back t0 kampung because my grandma was n0t feelin well....g0t up as early as 5 am c0z we planned t0 'berangkat' around 5.30am...send my mum t0 Sgh...m0wnink shift....then went straight t0 serian...we st0p at serian t0 have 0ur breakfast....since i was in n0 m0od 0f eating...i 0nly drank s0ya with my 0ther akik n inik at serian....we chat and and eat....
after around an h0ur at serian....we wave g0odbye t0 my akik and inik....g0tta g0....
All the way t0 bet0ng i spend..well...m0st 0f it sleeping...zzzz....kinda b0red sitting in the car f0r 4 hours.....around 11 pm we reach my kpg...kpg maja s00n as we arrived....i was reli tired that i didnt even unpacked my things......instead i c0ntinue t0 sleep.....zzz....
The next day,me,my lil br0 and my dad f0ll0wed my aunt t0 kebun...0 umai...
Here are few pictures.....
(i'll upl0ad the picture next time c0z the internet is damn sl0w rite n0w..WTF..!)
after around an h0ur at serian....we wave g0odbye t0 my akik and inik....g0tta g0....
All the way t0 bet0ng i spend..well...m0st 0f it sleeping...zzzz....kinda b0red sitting in the car f0r 4 hours.....around 11 pm we reach my kpg...kpg maja s00n as we arrived....i was reli tired that i didnt even unpacked my things......instead i c0ntinue t0 sleep.....zzz....
The next day,me,my lil br0 and my dad f0ll0wed my aunt t0 kebun...0 umai...
Here are few pictures.....
(i'll upl0ad the picture next time c0z the internet is damn sl0w rite n0w..WTF..!)
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