Tell you wat,dulu kn she n her bf were bitching bout my hubby....i trust her....c0z she's my friend...that causes me n my hubby gaduh2 sampai alm0st break up...but then i realised that my hubby were n0t like she mentioned....THANKS t0 y0u bitch c0z that makes me n my hubby cl0ser than bef0re....
Then.....she went 0n bitching....wit her bf...(Wat8vr s**t you were sh**ting bout)

Then few weeks ag0...she started bitching...wit s0me new bitches...hahaha...g0t new bitches....as if i wud care.....
but what i care is she's bitching bout my BEST FRIEND...wh0 is als0 her friend 0r best friend 0 watever....

0uh...reli hate when s0meone mess with me....I HATE YOU S0 MUCH MY S0-CALLED-BESTFRIEND...
Bestfriends..? N0w she's kinda the backstabber.....i still remember dulu when she's bitching bout this 0ne gurl at our school....she said that this girl was a backstabber....and guess what? U'r 0ne 0f it..!
Sedar lah diri...n0 one likes you n ur 0h-s0-charming N0T bf....
Cant wait the day when you kn0w about 0l 0f our feeling t0wards you....
Geram bt0l..!
i hate you,i hate you,i hate you,i hate you..........
all you d0 is pretend that ur 0kae with us when the truth is N0T..
pretend t0 be my bestfriend....
if u hate me,just say it out....dun pretend that you like me and stab me at the back...

ur such a ML...s0...
Wat8vr maj0r l0ser!! Suck it up bitch...c0z eventually you'll be s0rry with wat you said....

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