Lets say im just 0kay t0day...but IM N0T..!!
*First c0z my hubby g0 t0 serian wif his friends...n i feel s0 far away fr0m my hubby....he never leaves me al0ne whch sp0ilt me lil bit...well...okae...a l0t....huhuhuhu.....miss u hubby....
*Sec0nd c0z my m0m didnt rel0ad f0r me....huhuhu...i shouldnt get angry wit her actually....l0l...im quite a sp0ilt child in my family...thats bc0z im the 0nly GURL...
*Third c0z im really tired after my h0ckey training...but my dad insisted on g0ing f0r jalan2...luckily we d0nt have t0....
*Fourth c0z celc0m punya sistem...punyalh *********....0wez aja pending...! WTF man....seriously...ur the n0.1 in sarawak but ur system like crap...urggh..!!
n0w i want t0 msg my hubby 0s0 susah...think i shud change t0 DIGI...
I'll tell my hubby bout it later....
I've g0t Bisaya Annual General Meeting 2m0r0....i'll get t0 see my cousins...naning..an0ng...imang..raphael...n the list g0es on....
proud t0 be a bisaya decent....(actually im mixed..iban n bisaya...)never heard of bisaya..? Think you should check it out in wikipedia f0r bisaya b0rneo....0 mayb you can juz type pesta babulang in the address c0lumn....
i've uploaded few phot0s 0f bisaya teens....
(these photos are taken during Rumah Terbuka Gawai Malaysia 2008 at indoor stadium)
we're n0t wearing our full access0ries when we suppose to...hehe..

I miss them 0l t0o.....hmm...bila lah ada masa mau kumpul2 like this again....miss 0l the cwit mem0ries during practising 4 national gawai dayak 0pen h0use....
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