0kae...i went t0 church wit my family..its sunday bh..wth im d0in if im n0t g0in t0 church..?rite..?
anyway..mass finished at 0lm0st 11...then wait f0r daddy t0 pick us up cz daddy send inik g0 jln2....yesh..my inik is here..but she's g0in h0me 0n tuesday...wat8vr lah....when daddy pick us up,my aunt wes in the car t0o..which makes my m0od t0 fall slightly...cz this means that we are g0in t0 squeze ourself like sardines...n I HATE IT S0 MUCH..!!plus it is s00 h0t...im a bit sulking 0l the way t0 sat0k...but when me n my m0m reached the ladies department,my m0od increases...ehehe..y..? c0z i manage t0 persuade my m0m t0 buy 0ne 0 tw0 stuff..well 0kae..a l0t..hehe..i b0ught this 0ne amazing skinnies which 0nly c0st 32 bucks..it fits perfectly 0n me..yea!! u see..i've been l0oking f0r a skinnies but fits me perfectly but u n0e lh my figure..im a small figure kinda girl which makes me hard t0 find cl0tthings that fits me nicely...g0sh..i need t0 eat up a l0t 0f carb n pr0teins...
then i b0ught new handbags...hair clips...lip gl0ss..u n0e..the girl stuff...besides..it is 0n sale...
then went t0 bt.4 f0r lunch n g0 jln2 at everise there...i b0ught new panties..really nice..but i w0nt sh0w it t0 u..s0wie..hihi..then after l0ng2 time at everise we 0l plg lah..really tired th0u..0h ya,my m0m b0ught 4 chaffing dish which 0nly c0st her 30 bucks each wit her emart membership card....
i wanna g0 bath n0w..to0dless....
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
stuck like a tatto0
i cant sleep...s0 i decided t0 upl0ad ph0t0s during 0ur last week at sch0ol..0l 0f this mem0ries will stay in me heart like a tattoo..
*the teacher wh0 never gets b0red at us..eventh0u we r pr0blm makers yet she is a l0ving teacher*
*g0sh..this pix is s0 scandal0us..cwit..!*
what a day...
m0wnink..! juz a quickie p0st ere...w0ke up..had m0re than en0ugh sleep...planning t0 g0 see wayang wit cousins n my galvin...but darn it! i cant g0...c0z,c0z...N0 WATER..! uhu..there a leak in the pipe s0mewhere in the h0use...my dad n his friends are repairing it n0w..n0 water..!!
uhu..hw cud this be..i wish i w0ke up earlier...that's 0l lah...
uhu..hw cud this be..i wish i w0ke up earlier...that's 0l lah...
Friday, August 28, 2009
sh0p,sh0p.. XD

anyway..went sh0ppin wit my m0m..but my lil br0 didnt want t0 f0ll0w c0z he said "mun sh0pping ngn mumy n u,xm0k la ek0t..pnat jln..tak 2 x pande pnt2 cr brg..lak pdh kejap ja..p lewat ptg br plg..xm0k la ek0t...bez g main game..p tlg el0wd lak keh..ehe.." yep..thats wat my lil br0 said..0lm0st every b0ys had that in mind klu pegi jln wit gurls unless that gurl is ur gf rite..? hehe..went t0 t0wn ar0und 11 smthn aftr my m0m finished all her h0use w0rk..me..? sleeping..ZzZZ..hehe..(hey! i slept late 0kae..) then my m0m went t0 bank f0r idk what..but i guess mummy sent s0me m0ney t0 my grandparents in limbang...g0sh..i miss my yaki(grandpa) n yaduk(grandma)...jauh kn limbang fr0m kch..thats where my m0m hail fr0m..my m0m is a bisaya a min0riti ethnic in sarawak..pretty pr0ud 0f the bisaya bl0od in me..
after spending time d0in n0thin in bank while waitin f0r my m0m..we went makan at sat0k...i like eating this crispy mee in sunfl0wer deli in sat0k..errmm..yummy2..my fwevet..! then tapau f0r my lil br0..after mkn2...we g0 jln2 n l0ok f0r anything that are nice..i saw this nice pair 0f earings n i b0ught tw0..! ehe..my m0m said,jgn lama2 in certain sh0p..nanti habis duit mummy..c0mpared t0 my tw0 br0thers,im the 0ne wh0 spend my parents m0ney s0 much 0n sh0pping..besides..im the 0nly girl bah..dun blame me..then i persuade my m0m t0 buy a casual dress...i b0ught 0ne..there 0ne dress i reli like..but yalah..d0esnt fit me..damn it..!it 0wez happens t0 me..while my m0m is l0okin f0r a nice kebaya f0r idk what f0r...then,we went t0 av0n t0 buy...y0u n0e what u d0 when ur in av0n d0 y0u...after finding waht i want n mym0m is paying f0r it...went back h0me..!!
ahhh...pretty tired...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
hair cut g0ne wr0ng...

the title says it all..i went t0 cut my hair cz its gettin l0nger...n its bending in many ways...s0,went t0 cut at matang jaya wit my m0m n my lil br0...i say this n that b0ut h0w my hair wanna be cut....s0,the barber cut,cut,cut my hair.....till its s0 damn sh0rt..!!! aahhhh!!! its s0 hide0us man..!t0ld my galvin b0ut it..n he says dat i l0ok cuter...dun w0rry much b0ut wat 0ther pe0ple says cz im cute t0 him...but i n0e he says dat juz 2 make me feel better...n it did make me feel a lil better...im just h0ping that my hair will gr0w l0nger n faster...my hair usually gr0w fast n n0w i felt like my hair didnt gr0w at 0l..darn it! i miss my hair..i felt like wanna glue back my hair...hurrmmm...i w0nt be g0in 0ut my h0use till my hair l0ng gr0w l0ng enuf...g0sh..hw c0me she didnt understands wat i meant...back then,i wish i ask her whether i cud see s0me hair syle in a b0ok 0r anythn...g0sh...
anyway,went t0 pasar wit my m0m n lil br0 t0day...i b0ught a new g0ld ring which my m0m b0ught f0r me...i prefer silver 0ver g0ld actually...but my m0m dun wanna buy silver ring f0r me...nvr mind anyway....then g0 jalan t0 c0z im searchin f0r a nice casual dress..tired 0f using jeans n minis...f0und 0ne which l0ok reli sweet n nice but it d0esnt fit me..(n0 thanx t0 my small b0dy) s0,in the end i didnt b0ught any dress...then went t0 kfc..g0 mkn2 till kenyang..then wait f0r daddy t0 pick us up...
g0sh..i still hate my hair..!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Beat 0f my heart..~~

t0day last day 0f skewl..yipee..!!i t0t my br0 is g0in h0me this week pulak kna quarantine again..anyway,im happy that it is h0liday n0w..but i n0e dat i'll b dead b0red if i g0t n0thn t0 d0..planning t0 paint my r0om this week but my dad said wait till my br0 c0mes back..*hurrmm*
anyway,im h0pin that i'll b g0in t0 Dayak Cultural Foundati0n t0m0rr0w...missin s0 much wit sape,ngajat n tradit0nal iban music instruments....wanted t0 play sape n 0ther musical instruments....its been 3 weeks since i didnt play n ngajat...h0pin s0 much t0 g0 2m0rr0w..
my dad has g0ne t0 stakan t0 play badmint0n wit his fell0w friends..while my lil br0 n me is stuck in h0me..
my dad has g0ne t0 stakan t0 play badmint0n wit his fell0w friends..while my lil br0 n me is stuck in h0me..
0h ya,i've been watchin this surviv0rman in chanel 551 in astr0...its quite useful f0r th0se wh0 jungle trakking much..but c0mpared t0 man vs wild series,i prefer man vs wild series..is m0re intresting c0mpare t0 surviv0rman..
i reli dunn0 wat i wanna bl0g b0ut..guess i better st0p n0w...
Thursday, August 20, 2009

its thursday..0nly 0ne paper left t0m0rr0w...! its pend.m0ral..sumh0w i didnt hv the m0od t0 study m0ral..all u hv 2 d0 is t0 hafal th0se 36 nilai alt0gether..wtf man..! its s000ooo many with th0se kata kunci lagi u have t0 remember..darn it!
anyway,d0ne wit my add math paper 2day..paper 2 is exactly the same wit the past exam..G0sh..! y didnt study th0se past exam..cant d0 well in add math papers..all i can say is...
a fail f0r my add math..
but i h0pe i can get few A's f0r this exam..been thinking b0ut the red n0te..hehe..
n0thn much happen 2day apart fr0m the rain which i l0vey s0 much..! i wanted t0 jump right int0 bed n straight int0 dreamland..i'd like t0 say dat i had a cwit dream..but unf0rtunately i cant cl0se my eyes even f0r a minute..huhu..while my hubby is sleeping s0undly...*jeles th0u*
till n0w,my hubby is still sleepin while me...wastin my time on9..
hey..d0 any 0f u guys have any new 0r 0ld nice s0ng..?
i wanna catch up n 0ld n new s0ngs..
let me kn0w will ya..?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
2m0r0 exam eyh..g0sh..! i hate exams s0 much..!luckily 2m0r0 cuma paper math..targeting B f0r my math..(fingers cr0ssed)
i have t0 spend 2 h0urs studying 2nite..
g0tta g0 n0w..wanna update my fb..
Friday, August 14, 2009
Heart 0f Glass..

im l0vin this red c0l0ur..s0,i didnt p0st anythn this few days c0z im busy studyn f0r my exams..hist0ry 2day was quite hard..!i l0st my 10 marks f0r sure cz i didnt answer quieti0n 9.b..y?? c0z i cant get the fuckn facts 0ut 0f my head..g0sh..! lets juz h0pe that my hist0ry at least will be ab0ve sea level..(cr0ssing fingers)
amyway,there's heavy rain here..watch twilight again..cant get b0red 0f that m0vie..im fallin f0r edward cullen..!!(jgn mrh n jeles hubby..hehe..)i heard that there's g0in t0 be the sequel f0r this m0vie..cant wait t0 see it..sy0k2 tgk m0vie then tiba2 lightning...then black0ut cz the main switch aut0matically switch 0ff c0z 0f l0ud thunder...
well..since i've g0t n0thn t0 d0...g0 ZzZZZzzzz lah..enj0ying my sleep s0 much..cz 0f c0ld c0nditi0n n als0 my cwit dweams..hehehe..
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Babyd0ll G0ne Wr0ng..
yeah..s0 much f0r the babyd0ll g0ne wr0ng..
had a n0t quite nice day..w0ke up wit a bad hair..its my bad hair day..g0sh! my bestfriend are n0t here..she's s0mewhere in penang..missing her..! n0 n0ty2 friend wit me t0 play..huhu
t0m0rr0w her birthday..
nanti2 la bagi hadiah..im br0ke..yeah..im 0wez br0ke..hehehe..
anyway..t0m0rr0w physic paper..darn! i hate this paper..even thou i try s0 much t0 love n cyg physic,but i cant!
h0ws skewl..?n0thn much..0h,0h..did i menti0n dat my galvin cut his hair..?
my friends he l0ok a lil ga0k wit his new hair..i was like 0h yeah..? nah..tiadalh..my hubby is a nice,kind,caring,l0ving,resp0nsible n funny l0ver...I L0VE HIM S0 MUCH!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
My heart..
Quickiey p0st ere...
c0z i have t0 mandi early...g0 study till i cant stand it..c0z 2m0r0 is exam..reli wanna try my best 0ut there cz spm is like 3 m0nths away..crazy rite..?im running t0 catching up 0n subjects that still bel0w credit..g0sh..sumtime i felt reli tired 0f this n wanted t0 quit but then i'll regret it..s0,i hv 2 be str0ng..d0ne wit spm,i'll be enj0ying myself..treating myself wit l0ts 0f party..g0sh..i havent partying a l0t n0wadays..yep..i l0ve partying n dance till late nite but im n0t a wild child kie..!
anyway,i need t0 sc0re in this exam..(c0z my hubby pr0mised me a nice wallet,a sundress n ch0c0late if i d0ne well in this exam..!my m0m even pr0mised me an A equals t0 RM10..)which starts t0m0rr0w..!!i havent study yet..!
i'll hv t0 ch0w2 n0w..
c0z i have t0 mandi early...g0 study till i cant stand it..c0z 2m0r0 is exam..reli wanna try my best 0ut there cz spm is like 3 m0nths away..crazy rite..?im running t0 catching up 0n subjects that still bel0w credit..g0sh..sumtime i felt reli tired 0f this n wanted t0 quit but then i'll regret it..s0,i hv 2 be str0ng..d0ne wit spm,i'll be enj0ying myself..treating myself wit l0ts 0f party..g0sh..i havent partying a l0t n0wadays..yep..i l0ve partying n dance till late nite but im n0t a wild child kie..!
anyway,i need t0 sc0re in this exam..(c0z my hubby pr0mised me a nice wallet,a sundress n ch0c0late if i d0ne well in this exam..!my m0m even pr0mised me an A equals t0 RM10..)which starts t0m0rr0w..!!i havent study yet..!
i'll hv t0 ch0w2 n0w..
Friday, August 7, 2009
really b0red rite n0w..try t0 sleep but i cant c0z it is reli h0t rite n0w..n0t 0nly n0w but few m0nths sudah..yesterday cuma raining skejap ja..hmm..wish yesterday is raining cats n d0gs..t0day was 0kae..chemist d0in s0me diagn0stik test which we all0wed t0 see b0oks..(??)then there's pj time..i n0e its hazey but we're havin 0ur pj..thanx t0 our clsaamate that persuade 0ur pj teacher..s0me 0f us havin 0ur pj with 0ur mask 0n..including me..the haze is quite w0rse..g0sh..please st0p 0pen burning f0r human's sake..~!
anyway,recess like usual..n0thn unusual g0in 0n in my sch0ol..then there's bi0..quite intresting chapter..repr0ducti0n..nw dun tell me ur n0t intrested in that chapter..that's rubbish dude..its like the m0st intresting chapter man..anyway,when we arrived at bi0 lab,sir cyril was n0t there yet..few students came late n we made them t0 sing the passw0rd..n yet,sir cyril was still n0t in..we decided t0 make him sing the passw0rd t0o..hehe..tp cnnt..huhu..anyway..went back h0me at 11.40..g0in h0me with my mask 0n..n0 thanx t0 the haze n pe0ple wh0 0pen burn the f0rest..
reach h0me alm0st 12..wanted t0 get an0ther haircut but my mum said wait till payday larr..huhuhu.
while my hubby went t0 clinic f0r a check up..he has this c0ughng n lelah..
then msg wit my hbby till my eyes felt heavy..t0ld my hubby that i wanted t0 sleep then went t0 land 0f ZzZZ..
i barely slept f0r 3 h0urs c0z 0f the h0tness..g0sh..
g0tta g0 n0w..
g0nna rendam dalam c0ld water..l0l..
anyway,recess like usual..n0thn unusual g0in 0n in my sch0ol..then there's bi0..quite intresting chapter..repr0ducti0n..nw dun tell me ur n0t intrested in that chapter..that's rubbish dude..its like the m0st intresting chapter man..anyway,when we arrived at bi0 lab,sir cyril was n0t there yet..few students came late n we made them t0 sing the passw0rd..n yet,sir cyril was still n0t in..we decided t0 make him sing the passw0rd t0o..hehe..tp cnnt..huhu..anyway..went back h0me at 11.40..g0in h0me with my mask 0n..n0 thanx t0 the haze n pe0ple wh0 0pen burn the f0rest..
reach h0me alm0st 12..wanted t0 get an0ther haircut but my mum said wait till payday larr..huhuhu.
while my hubby went t0 clinic f0r a check up..he has this c0ughng n lelah..
then msg wit my hbby till my eyes felt heavy..t0ld my hubby that i wanted t0 sleep then went t0 land 0f ZzZZ..
i barely slept f0r 3 h0urs c0z 0f the h0tness..g0sh..
g0tta g0 n0w..
g0nna rendam dalam c0ld water..l0l..
Sunday, August 2, 2009

btw..im reli 0ut 0f idea n0w..
catch ya l8tr..!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Feelin g0od..
Im feelin quite 0kay 2day...after feeling reli2 dizzy last nite..my b0dy temp quite high dis m0wnink..but mls la wan 2 g0 t0 clinic..s0,my m0m gave me panad0l which i reli hate t0 eat..eeuuww..then sambung lagi td0w..wake up at 11 sumthng..i've g0t n0thn much 2 d0..cuma 0n9 jak..b0red la..
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