the title says it all..i went t0 cut my hair cz its gettin l0nger...n its bending in many ways...s0,went t0 cut at matang jaya wit my m0m n my lil br0...i say this n that b0ut h0w my hair wanna be cut....s0,the barber cut,cut,cut my hair.....till its s0 damn sh0rt..!!! aahhhh!!! its s0 hide0us man..!t0ld my galvin b0ut it..n he says dat i l0ok cuter...dun w0rry much b0ut wat 0ther pe0ple says cz im cute t0 him...but i n0e he says dat juz 2 make me feel better...n it did make me feel a lil better...im just h0ping that my hair will gr0w l0nger n faster...my hair usually gr0w fast n n0w i felt like my hair didnt gr0w at 0l..darn it! i miss my hair..i felt like wanna glue back my hair...hurrmmm...i w0nt be g0in 0ut my h0use till my hair l0ng gr0w l0ng enuf...g0sh..hw c0me she didnt understands wat i meant...back then,i wish i ask her whether i cud see s0me hair syle in a b0ok 0r anythn...g0sh...
anyway,went t0 pasar wit my m0m n lil br0 t0day...i b0ught a new g0ld ring which my m0m b0ught f0r me...i prefer silver 0ver g0ld actually...but my m0m dun wanna buy silver ring f0r me...nvr mind anyway....then g0 jalan t0 c0z im searchin f0r a nice casual dress..tired 0f using jeans n minis...f0und 0ne which l0ok reli sweet n nice but it d0esnt fit me..(n0 thanx t0 my small b0dy) s0,in the end i didnt b0ught any dress...then went t0 kfc..g0 mkn2 till kenyang..then wait f0r daddy t0 pick us up...
g0sh..i still hate my hair..!
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