its thursday..0nly 0ne paper left t0m0rr0w...! its pend.m0ral..sumh0w i didnt hv the m0od t0 study m0ral..all u hv 2 d0 is t0 hafal th0se 36 nilai alt0gether..wtf man..! its s000ooo many with th0se kata kunci lagi u have t0 remember..darn it!
anyway,d0ne wit my add math paper 2day..paper 2 is exactly the same wit the past exam..G0sh..! y didnt study th0se past exam..cant d0 well in add math papers..all i can say is...
a fail f0r my add math..
but i h0pe i can get few A's f0r this exam..been thinking b0ut the red n0te..hehe..
n0thn much happen 2day apart fr0m the rain which i l0vey s0 much..! i wanted t0 jump right int0 bed n straight int0 dreamland..i'd like t0 say dat i had a cwit dream..but unf0rtunately i cant cl0se my eyes even f0r a minute..huhu..while my hubby is sleeping s0undly...*jeles th0u*
till n0w,my hubby is still sleepin while me...wastin my time on9..
hey..d0 any 0f u guys have any new 0r 0ld nice s0ng..?
i wanna catch up n 0ld n new s0ngs..
let me kn0w will ya..?
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