Sunday, August 30, 2009

g0in sh0pping..AGAIN.. :p

0kae...i went t0 church wit my family..its sunday bh..wth im d0in if im n0t g0in t0 church..?rite..?
anyway..mass finished at 0lm0st 11...then wait f0r daddy t0 pick us up cz daddy send inik g0 inik is here..but she's g0in h0me 0n tuesday...wat8vr lah....when daddy pick us up,my aunt wes in the car t0o..which makes my m0od t0 fall this means that we are g0in t0 squeze ourself like sardines...n I HATE IT S0 MUCH..!!plus it is s00 a bit sulking 0l the way t0 sat0k...but when me n my m0m reached the ladies department,my m0od increases...ehehe..y..? c0z i manage t0 persuade my m0m t0 buy 0ne 0 tw0 stuff..well 0kae..a l0t..hehe..i b0ught this 0ne amazing skinnies which 0nly c0st 32 fits perfectly 0n me..yea!! u see..i've been l0oking f0r a skinnies but fits me perfectly but u n0e lh my a small figure kinda girl which makes me hard t0 find cl0tthings that fits me nicely...g0sh..i need t0 eat up a l0t 0f carb n pr0teins...
then i b0ught new clips...lip gl0ss..u n0e..the girl is 0n sale...

then went t0 bt.4 f0r lunch n g0 jln2 at everise there...i b0ught new panties..really nice..but i w0nt sh0w it t0 u..s0wie..hihi..then after l0ng2 time at everise we 0l plg lah..really tired th0u..0h ya,my m0m b0ught 4 chaffing dish which 0nly c0st her 30 bucks each wit her emart membership card....

i wanna g0 bath n0w..to0dless....

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