im l0vin this red c0l0ur..s0,i didnt p0st anythn this few days c0z im busy studyn f0r my exams..hist0ry 2day was quite hard..!i l0st my 10 marks f0r sure cz i didnt answer quieti0n 9.b..y?? c0z i cant get the fuckn facts 0ut 0f my head..g0sh..! lets juz h0pe that my hist0ry at least will be ab0ve sea level..(cr0ssing fingers)
amyway,there's heavy rain here..watch twilight again..cant get b0red 0f that m0vie..im fallin f0r edward cullen..!!(jgn mrh n jeles hubby..hehe..)i heard that there's g0in t0 be the sequel f0r this m0vie..cant wait t0 see it..sy0k2 tgk m0vie then tiba2 lightning...then black0ut cz the main switch aut0matically switch 0ff c0z 0f l0ud thunder...
well..since i've g0t n0thn t0 d0...g0 ZzZZZzzzz lah..enj0ying my sleep s0 much..cz 0f c0ld c0nditi0n n als0 my cwit dweams..hehehe..
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