i didnt get t0 surf the internet c0z my dad is travelling t0 sibu and he bring al0ng the br0adband m0dem which causes me cann0t update my bl0g...besides,its exam week and i have t0 study...
yeah..its exam time...and the question like punyalah susah...xpecially add math..(?)add math is never easy f0r me...(?) i n0e rite..weird kan..its n0t dat i dun study...i d0 study but its juz damn hard f0r me...macam manalh spm nanti...
yesterday went t0 h0ckey training at sch0ol..juz like i said bef0re,im addicted t0 h0ckey...even though my leg kinda pain c0z tkena b0la h0ki,(if u played h0ki,then u n0e h0w pain it is bila tkena b0la h0ki..) i juz cant st0p playing h0ki..hehe...then malam have t0 study again...c0ok f0r my lil br0 c0z my m0m tiada d rumah...
t0day...went t0 h0ckey training again dat evening...hehe...juz cant st0p main h0ki...then play badmint0n wit my hubby and muna,sting,alex and mahfuz...palying wit them was reli2 fun...they made me laugh a l0t..l0l..yep...karenah they all cud made me laugh 0l day l0ng...0 mayb i juz l0ve t0 laugh...but im a m0od swinger as well..hehehe...i juz l0ve my friends...besides,hidup mesti enj0y kan..its n0t like u can be teenagers anytime u wan..i juz l0ve my life and reli hate klu 0ther pe0ple SIBUK2 bout my life and INTERUPT my life..I HATE IT S0 MUCH!!!!!!!!!!
gtgn..! gotta study f0r physic...
Friday, May 22, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Tiut Miut....

i've just d0ne wit cleaning my hamster's cage...
i have tw0 hamsters...hamtar0(male) and bizhou(female)..
hamtar0 l0oks quite big f0r a hamster thou...hehe...cukup makan...while bizhou l0oks a bit small...
hamtar0 wud never st0p eating...day and night..whenever i walked near the cage,he wud come near the cage do0r as if he kn0ws that im bringing f0od..
bizhou is a different st0ry..
whenever i bl0w at bizhou,she wud lie upside d0wn and pretended t0 be dead...funny lil bizhou...
apart fr0m cleaning hamster's cage there's n0thin much t0 d0 unless makan...makan...makan...n makan s0me m0re...
im tryin t0 gain s0me weight...
when i l0oked myself in the mirr0r,i was like wtf...!
Am i that thin..? I think i l0ok like a walking skelet0n...
0uch..! i d0 hate the fact that im thin..
i eat a l0t and yet,im still thin...
anyb0dy wud like t0 help me..?
i ate all stuff of fo0d t0 gain weight...
even being as a chocolate l0ver and i-wouldnt-miss-an-oppurtinity-to-grab-some-chocolate kinda person,still it d0esnt help me t0 gain my weight...
yeah...i can l0se my weight in a blink 0f an eye...but gaining s0me weight was way m0re difficult than studying....
any0ne wit s0me idea on gaining s0me weight cud leave me a comment...
0thers can d0 s0 well...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Camp Pueh...

I'll start fr0m the first day i went t0 pueh...0n friday aftern00n....rushing back h0me c0z friday balik at 11.40 and need t0 pack my things and i must be at civic centre at 1 p.m...s0,i was rushing here and there and practically f0rget few 0f my things that i planned t0 bring...makan2 skejap,t0ok my bath...and then went t0 civic centre...my dad send me there...when i arrived at civic centre,there are lots of youth including s0me international students fr0m Indonesia,Kenya,Nigeria and Iran as well...we all berangkat around 2 p.m and arived at pueh around..hmm...well..i dunn0 c0z i slept all the way...its raining and its c0ld in the bus..wh0 w0uld n0t slept anyway..? We register ourself at dewan kuliah and then there's briefing session..we were t0ld bout the d0's and the d0nt's in camp pueh...then we t0ok our beddings and check into our h0stel...i was in asrama mulia...sharing with few 0thers wh0m i dunn0...luckily i can blend around easily..
anyway....after dinner we head t0 dewan kuliah f0r ice breaking session then g0t supper...lastly...td0w...i slept like tidak sedar apa2 ni...maybe i was just reli2 tired...
the next day,bangun awal...s0me even w0ke up at 4 am...the s0und 0f water in the bathr0om..it just kills me..! Whats the p0int 0f waking up early m0rning and t0ok bath at 4am when ur g0ing t0 exercise..?C'm0n...i have t0 sleep and rest...after mandi,they all buat bising lagi...hw i wish i cud shutthefcukcup....mcm biasalh pagi g0t excersise...then breakfast...balik h0stel...take a bath then g0 t0 dewan kuliah f0r an0ther sessi0n 0f talk....i didnt f0cus and slept since i-dunn0-when...
petang g0t sukaneka...i played menyumpit...i wasn expecting that i was b0leh tahan in menyumpit...l0l....then greening the environment...tanam p0k0k...i carved my name 0n 0ne 0f the branches...hehehe...after that pegi beach...!!!!!!! wave masa 2 memang besar...i wish i cud g0 mandi2 wit 0thers...but then,i cant c0z 0f w0men pr0blem...huhuhu...i just l0ve g0ing t0 beach...if i were in sabah,i wud spend all my time by the beach...i dunn0 y....but i just l0ve it...
petang g0t sukaneka...i played menyumpit...i wasn expecting that i was b0leh tahan in menyumpit...l0l....then greening the environment...tanam p0k0k...i carved my name 0n 0ne 0f the branches...hehehe...after that pegi beach...!!!!!!! wave masa 2 memang besar...i wish i cud g0 mandi2 wit 0thers...but then,i cant c0z 0f w0men pr0blem...huhuhu...i just l0ve g0ing t0 beach...if i were in sabah,i wud spend all my time by the beach...i dunn0 y....but i just l0ve it...
lastly....sunday...masa untuk pulang...but then,we all singgah at pueh l0ngh0use...a bidayuh selak0 l0nghouse...the,bet0lak t0 civic centre and went straight back h0me....

After c0ming back fr0m pueh...i was sick...i didnt went t0 school 0n m0nday...my m0m said that i l0ok like i have asthma...s0,i went t0 clinic 0n m0mnday f0r a check up...the d0ct0r said that i didnt have asthma...besides n0ne 0f my family is having asthma...but the d0ct0r said that kalau sakit berlarutan i have t0 g0 f0r an0ther check up...then went t0 take my medicine...punyalah banyak medicine i have t0 eat...im n0t da kind that l0ves makan ubat...s0metimes i wud just d0nt care t0 makan my medicine....
gtg n0w...my b0dy start t0 scream f0r sh0wer...
Thursday, May 7, 2009

IM GOING FOR A CAMP this friday...!! Yipee..!!
Cant wait....h0pe that this camp will be fun...heard that this camp is a youth culture camp...with all ethnic in Sarawak will be c0ming...even the university students are c0ming als0..s0,i'll be g0ne fr0m friday afternoon till sunday afternoon...h0pe that i cud bring my ph0ne....need t0 msg my hubby 0l the time...hehehe...
I think that im starting t0 stink n0w...g0tta g0 and mandi....
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Here's my rep0rt 0n the t0urnament....
we were in group B al0ng with Sibu,Samarahan,and also Bet0ng...well...Samarahan and Sibu are tough competit0rs....luckily we didnt l0se t0 them....dapat seri pun jadilh...hehehe...
A win will get 3 p0ints while a draw will get 1 p0int...
Samarahan wins 2 match against Sibu and Bet0ng...and draw against Kuching...7 p0ints f0r samarahan..
Kuching wins a match against Bet0ng and draw against Sibu and Samarahan...s0,5 p0ints f0r kuching...
Sibu wins a match against Bet0ng,draw against Kuching and l0ses t0 Samarahan...s0,4 p0ints f0r sibu..
While Bet0ng l0se all its matches...
T0p 2 in group will enter semi final...
Samarahan against Miri(2nd placing in group A)
Kuching against Kapit(champion 0f group A)
Well...Samarahan win against Miri while we l0se t0 kapit....
S0,we fight f0r 3rd and 4th placing....
We w0n against Miri..! 3rd placing f0r Kuching Girls U-18..
Kuching b0ys U-18 is the champion...while b0ys and girls U-12 gets 2nd placing....
En0ugh b0ut the match...
Mem0ries in Bintulu are s0 cwit..!!
Miss it s0 much..!!
We went t0 beach.....although its n0t dat pretty...
went t0 sing kw0ng....(the 0nly supermarket near our h0tel..)
There's n0 intresting shops near our h0tel....0nly tempat makan yg...hmmm...0kaelah...l0ts 0f pub...and yg palin banyak is tempat repair kenderaan...bengkel..!B0red..! Lickily ada supermarket...n0t that big but 0kaelah....better than n0ne rite..?
0ur h0tel surroundings were quite b0red...we spent m0st 0f our times in h0tel....spending times wit each 0ther...playing pranks...disturbing each 0ther till they ger ann0yed...hehehe....chit chat till late nite...watching m0vies till late nite...makan2 till we cant stuff m0re f0ods in our st0mach...n0 tv3...which were quite b0red...the 0nly channel yg ada is tv1 and 2..ntv7..starsp0rt..star m0vies and travel&living...0kaelah jugak...we get t0 watch MU play..hehehe...we heard that the b0ys p0c02 in their r0om wit cikgu...l0l...
That late nite R0om 115 mgadakn konsert haram...hehe...we were supp0se t0 0ff our tv by 11 pm...but even after 11.40,we still didnt 0ff our tv and carry 0n wit what we call k0nsert haram...l0l...we were laughing l0udly that teacher next d00r came and kn0ck 0ur d0or...we didnt 0pen the d0or and hid in the blanket..!!N0ty us...
During taklimat on the sec0nd day,(we had our taklimat everyday at 9pm..)0ur manager said that if we didnt perf0rm and play well in the next day game,he will t0ok all 0f uor ph0ne since he saw that m0st...well...al 0f us were playing and busy wit our ph0nes and it seems like it diturb our focus in game....luckily we w0n the next day game...0ur ph0nes were saved..!!
During the last day,we went jalan 2 bandar bintulu f0r 0nly 1 hour...(n0t enuf..)
Everyb0dy bought belacan bintulu....and cencalu as well....
Next day,we all pulang t0 Kuching....sad...tpaksa berpisah...huhuhu...

Sunday, May 3, 2009
iM BaCk..!!
Yeah..im back in kuching baby..! Fikir mau update my bl0g as s00n as i arrived in kuching but im reli2 tired...s0,update bl0g t0day larrhh...firstly....crita ttg training lah...training was kinda hard 0ls0 at 1st as my stamina was n0t that high...at s0me p0int i wanted t0 gave up...but then i realised if if didnt d0 my best i might regreted c0z im in f.5 n0w and chances that i might n0t b playing h0ckey anym0re are high...plus,i dun wan t0 be pemain simpanan mati....s0,i trained hard....we trained at h0ckey turf and at smk penrissen...training starts at 8 am until 11am...then c0ntinue at evening at 2.30pm until 5 pm...my face btukar jadi hitam dy...tlupa mau beli sunbl0ck...hahaha...then 0n friday we 0l g0t taklimat f0r our j0urney t0 bintulu....
(g0tta g0 nw....my dad is calling....time t0 study....l0l....msh lg mau rest...guess i g0tta get my head in study again...SPM,SPM,SPM....)
(crta ttg at bintulu at next p0st kie....)
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