I'll start fr0m the first day i went t0 pueh...0n friday aftern00n....rushing back h0me c0z friday balik at 11.40 and need t0 pack my things and i must be at civic centre at 1 p.m...s0,i was rushing here and there and practically f0rget few 0f my things that i planned t0 bring...makan2 skejap,t0ok my bath...and then went t0 civic centre...my dad send me there...when i arrived at civic centre,there are lots of youth including s0me international students fr0m Indonesia,Kenya,Nigeria and Iran as well...we all berangkat around 2 p.m and arived at pueh around..hmm...well..i dunn0 c0z i slept all the way...its raining and its c0ld in the bus..wh0 w0uld n0t slept anyway..? We register ourself at dewan kuliah and then there's briefing session..we were t0ld bout the d0's and the d0nt's in camp pueh...then we t0ok our beddings and check into our h0stel...i was in asrama mulia...sharing with few 0thers wh0m i dunn0...luckily i can blend around easily..
anyway....after dinner we head t0 dewan kuliah f0r ice breaking session then g0t supper...lastly...td0w...i slept like tidak sedar apa2 ni...maybe i was just reli2 tired...
the next day,bangun awal...s0me even w0ke up at 4 am...the s0und 0f water in the bathr0om..it just kills me..! Whats the p0int 0f waking up early m0rning and t0ok bath at 4am when ur g0ing t0 exercise..?C'm0n...i have t0 sleep and rest...after mandi,they all buat bising lagi...hw i wish i cud shutthefcukcup....mcm biasalh pagi g0t excersise...then breakfast...balik h0stel...take a bath then g0 t0 dewan kuliah f0r an0ther sessi0n 0f talk....i didnt f0cus and slept since i-dunn0-when...
petang g0t sukaneka...i played menyumpit...i wasn expecting that i was b0leh tahan in menyumpit...l0l....then greening the environment...tanam p0k0k...i carved my name 0n 0ne 0f the branches...hehehe...after that pegi beach...!!!!!!! wave masa 2 memang besar...i wish i cud g0 mandi2 wit 0thers...but then,i cant c0z 0f w0men pr0blem...huhuhu...i just l0ve g0ing t0 beach...if i were in sabah,i wud spend all my time by the beach...i dunn0 y....but i just l0ve it...
petang g0t sukaneka...i played menyumpit...i wasn expecting that i was b0leh tahan in menyumpit...l0l....then greening the environment...tanam p0k0k...i carved my name 0n 0ne 0f the branches...hehehe...after that pegi beach...!!!!!!! wave masa 2 memang besar...i wish i cud g0 mandi2 wit 0thers...but then,i cant c0z 0f w0men pr0blem...huhuhu...i just l0ve g0ing t0 beach...if i were in sabah,i wud spend all my time by the beach...i dunn0 y....but i just l0ve it...
lastly....sunday...masa untuk pulang...but then,we all singgah at pueh l0ngh0use...a bidayuh selak0 l0nghouse...the,bet0lak t0 civic centre and went straight back h0me....

After c0ming back fr0m pueh...i was sick...i didnt went t0 school 0n m0nday...my m0m said that i l0ok like i have asthma...s0,i went t0 clinic 0n m0mnday f0r a check up...the d0ct0r said that i didnt have asthma...besides n0ne 0f my family is having asthma...but the d0ct0r said that kalau sakit berlarutan i have t0 g0 f0r an0ther check up...then went t0 take my medicine...punyalah banyak medicine i have t0 eat...im n0t da kind that l0ves makan ubat...s0metimes i wud just d0nt care t0 makan my medicine....
gtg n0w...my b0dy start t0 scream f0r sh0wer...
best eyh,,,rugi i dulu tak aktif mcm tu... :D Sukan and camping2 juak... belajar jgn lupak... Hahaha nice post!!!