i've just d0ne wit cleaning my hamster's cage...
i have tw0 hamsters...hamtar0(male) and bizhou(female)..
hamtar0 l0oks quite big f0r a hamster thou...hehe...cukup makan...while bizhou l0oks a bit small...
hamtar0 wud never st0p eating...day and night..whenever i walked near the cage,he wud come near the cage do0r as if he kn0ws that im bringing f0od..
bizhou is a different st0ry..
whenever i bl0w at bizhou,she wud lie upside d0wn and pretended t0 be dead...funny lil bizhou...
apart fr0m cleaning hamster's cage there's n0thin much t0 d0 unless makan...makan...makan...n makan s0me m0re...
im tryin t0 gain s0me weight...
when i l0oked myself in the mirr0r,i was like wtf...!
Am i that thin..? I think i l0ok like a walking skelet0n...
0uch..! i d0 hate the fact that im thin..
i eat a l0t and yet,im still thin...
anyb0dy wud like t0 help me..?
i ate all stuff of fo0d t0 gain weight...
even being as a chocolate l0ver and i-wouldnt-miss-an-oppurtinity-to-grab-some-chocolate kinda person,still it d0esnt help me t0 gain my weight...
yeah...i can l0se my weight in a blink 0f an eye...but gaining s0me weight was way m0re difficult than studying....
any0ne wit s0me idea on gaining s0me weight cud leave me a comment...
0thers can d0 s0 well...
It's juts not the right time for you to go a bit thick maybe... Don't say bad about yourself... you might soon bigger than me... but juts wait... it's not the time yet... even how hard you eats... how much you eats... if it's not the time, then, it's juts nothing... not worth at all makan kuat2... LOL
ReplyDeletebtw, cute hamster... saya nak satu.... :D
thanks 4 advice...mayb ur rite...but i just hate seing myself thin...i d0 l0ve myself but i just hate being t00 thin...l0l..hehe..
ReplyDeleteklu my hamster g0t anak then i'll give u 1 la..(^_^)