im n0t g0in t0 p0st anything rite n0w cuz im n0t in da m0od...y..??
cuz my head is dizzy rite n0w..really dizzy..(damn the weather..!!)i cant stand h0t weather makes me makes me makes me lg its kinda hazey here..ahh!!
i'll st0p ere..
reli need t0 geta rest n sleep..wish me well s0on..
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Days seem t0 pass by quickly with0ut we kn0wing it..n exam is just ar0und the juz seem i dun have enuf time t0 study..i really wanna d0 well in my,1A equal t0 a red n0te..urrmm..wanted it s0 much..!!
w0ke up as usual but i cant sleep well last nite cz i dunny why..kept waking in the middle 0f the nite..kinda freaky cz im afraid 0f the dark..i cant st0p thinking 0f...nah..w0uldnt t0ld y0u..*shy*
had perhimpunan usual,a l0t 0f blah,blah,blah..then 2nd peri0d g0t sej..sej was 0kie..then english..went t0 library..wanted t0 search f0r chicken s0up n0vel but cant cz we hav 2 write an article..hmm..went t0 sch0ol canteen during recess..we had t0 rush 0r else tiada tempat..i think the admin shud d0 sumthin b0ut this..
after rehat,there's math..g0sh..i felt like wanna sn0oze..i felt really sleepy..then last 2 peri0d is bm..laugh a l0t..all cz 0f my friends n my hubby..l0ve them s0 much..!!
arrived h0me alm0st 2..fry my p0pia n ate them all..hehe..thinking 0f cutting my hair again but afraid dat it'll be hideous..s0,cut my hair later liking my sh0rt hair..much easier than havin l0ng hair..
then at evening im munchin my ch0c0late wafer..
n0w,im 0nline n updating my faceb0ok..th0se wh0 havent add my faceb0ok,y0u can add really 0ut 0f idea nw..
w0ke up as usual but i cant sleep well last nite cz i dunny why..kept waking in the middle 0f the nite..kinda freaky cz im afraid 0f the dark..i cant st0p thinking 0f...nah..w0uldnt t0ld y0u..*shy*
had perhimpunan usual,a l0t 0f blah,blah,blah..then 2nd peri0d g0t sej..sej was 0kie..then english..went t0 library..wanted t0 search f0r chicken s0up n0vel but cant cz we hav 2 write an article..hmm..went t0 sch0ol canteen during recess..we had t0 rush 0r else tiada tempat..i think the admin shud d0 sumthin b0ut this..
after rehat,there's math..g0sh..i felt like wanna sn0oze..i felt really sleepy..then last 2 peri0d is bm..laugh a l0t..all cz 0f my friends n my hubby..l0ve them s0 much..!!
arrived h0me alm0st 2..fry my p0pia n ate them all..hehe..thinking 0f cutting my hair again but afraid dat it'll be hideous..s0,cut my hair later liking my sh0rt hair..much easier than havin l0ng hair..
then at evening im munchin my ch0c0late wafer..
n0w,im 0nline n updating my faceb0ok..th0se wh0 havent add my faceb0ok,y0u can add really 0ut 0f idea nw..
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Spending m0ney..
w0ke up at 8.00 am cz its sunday..had nasi lemak special as my breakfast..then g0 mandi n bkemas2 h0ur later,went t0 church..saw my c0usin..finished mass,we went t0 f0od avenue which is l0cated at 4th mile...i ate salad fish then 0rderd an0ther fish n chips...gawd..i d0 eat s0 much these days..after stuffing s0 much fo0d in my st0mach ,we went t0 everise nearby t0 sh0p s0me kitchen stuff n m0re f0od..yipee..!!m0re p0tat0 wedges f0r s0 addicted t0 p0tat0 fried thingy..g0sh..then guess wat..?
i saw this bead necklace f0r 0NLY RM2..!! i ws like 0mgawd!!is this f0r real..? i b0ught 3 necklace,0ne which l0ok classy n 1 earring..w0w..! best bargain 0f all time..!after spending i-dunn0-hw-many h0urs there,we went t0 saberkas t0 mum dragged me al0ng t0 bata which i seld0m g0..then again..i guess its my lucky day..i saw this cutec0re half price man..!WTF! i beggedbeggedbegged my mum t0 buy it n lastly i 0wned it..!yipee..!my mum b0ught her 0wn high heels..
after spending s0me time at bata,my mum n i went t0 searced f0r my 2 br0ther while my dad went t0 buy s0me camel shirt n pants..
s0 with0ut my dad,we went t0 barber n get my haircut..yep..i've g0t a new hair..!!

g0tta g0 n0w..wanna munch durian n my big apple d0nut..t0odles..

Friday, July 24, 2009
Yet an0ther day..
Friday..went t0 skewl la mcm biasa...w0ke up at at 5.40..a bit late cuz ntahla..havin me cereal as my breakfast..early m0wnink,we assemble at dataran jaya f0r this n0n muslim thingy..after blah,blah,blah,,went back t0 class f0r chemistry..mdm j0ng really n0e h0w t0 teaches chemist..i can remember n understand the c0ncept..but alas,i'll 4get it kinda suck in remembering things...btw,after chemist, we went straight t0 dataran...c0z y..? c0z its pj time..! 0ld time fwevet subject...we played netball..(well,its kinda mess up wit ragby la..) but then,bila sy0k2 main,dpt accident pulak..st0ry g0es like this: i dunn0 wh0 threw the ball but i jumped t0 get that the same time,ben was jumping t00..we b0th langgar each 0ther..well..since i was much smaller than him,i fell t0 the gr0und r0lling..0uch..i just lay there making every0ne thinking dat i pass out..but shahreen saw me laughing..(WTF..??)

after havin s0 much fun during 0ur pj,i went t0 canteen n have tw0 mee f0r my rehat time..hehehe..then went back t0 class n after 2.25,me n my hubby went t0 bi0logy class quickly..n0 0ne will wanna be late f0r bi0l0gy dy..guess y..?
c0z sir cyril made pe0ple wh0 came late t0 sing "yak ning s0ngggg matakaji.........sma nyiseng....!" its the s0ng in ali baba n 40 thieves bef0re they cud enter the class...hehehe..l0l..

reached h0me alm0st 12...then watched tv...g0 makan..then mandi..had a lil bit crisis wit my hubby but everythng went 0kay..entirely my fault..s0wie hubby....ar0und 3.45 went t0 sch0ol t0 play badmint0n wit my hubby n few 0ther friends...played pairing wit my hubby...but we quite suck in badmint0n..0uch..then play single against mahfuz..kalah lagi..gawd..!cant believe i l0st t0 mahfuz gain..!but he g0t an advantage...he's far taller than me..g0sh...arrived h0me alm0st 6.30..then watced rahsia pelangi..then 0nline till n0w..
think i g0tta n0w c0z im stinking...t0odles..
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
An0ther Day has g0ne..
my sleep are n0t well...sheessh..damn it..w0ke up at 5 but then sambung td0w jap till 5.35..then reli have t0 w0ke up klu n0t,kena tinggal by my dad..get up then g0 mandi...have mil0 and vit.c as my breakfast..reached sch0ol at 6.15..reli sleepy..its early n i feel like beaten up..
1st per0id is assembly..thank G0d we had 0ur assembley at dataran jaya...cuz its n0t h0t n kinda windy th0u..teachers blah,blah,blah...while we merely liostens..we were reading readres digest which is m0re intresting..then we have 0ur english classes...every teacher is c0mplaining b0ut 0ur class and 0ur add math especially...0ur class is still in 0ur 0wn c0mf0rt z0ne and even me..! SPM IS JUST AROUND THE C0RNER FRIENDS..!!! but we l0ves t0 enj0y and laugh..geezz...sum1 get us 0ut fr0m this c0mf0rt z0ne..!!
as f0r add math..i d0 study f0r add math cept sumtime i feel sleepy in class and i quickly f0rget the f0rmula.....damn me..!! i dun blame my teacher...seri0usly..
anyway,after english,i have t0 rush t0 canteen cuz the prefects is cl0sing the grill at the staircase...s0 we cant be in 0ur class...studnets are like m0re than th0usands but the canteen are really small t0 0ccupy us..we have t0 rush t0 get a seat..yeah..i hate t0 rush ar0und..its pathetic..
after english is math..i kinda like math these days..great..! then there's quite sleepy dy...wanted t0 ZzZz but i cant c0z dun wan kena c0mplaint..
finished wit 0ur class,we have 0ur ceramah b0ut kerjaya dalam dunia penerbangan...i just l0ve t0 see that lady in pil0t! I think i will pertimbangkan b0ut being a pil0t..i think im l0vin tje unif0rm is smart n cute..!
then pulang ruma...see tv..makan..(yeah..i d0 eat a l0t these weight increased 2 kg..yea..!!)
think i g0tta g0 n0w..wanna mandi then study till 10.00...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
T0day...H0ckey final!

its n0t dat i dun like g0in t0 church..but its damn early...
w0ke up at 7.50..g0 s0me chipsm0re f0r my bweakfast..
then at 8.50 went t0 church..dr0p my dad at sat0k..
guess wat??my hubby slept n didnt w0ke up until 11..! Nice sleep...(jeles..huhu)
bef0re the mass started,i saw this sum1...he smiled at me...he l0oked n0t0rious freak out..but then,after scanning my mind f0r few sec0nds then irealised that he is my c0usin,raphel..!cant rec0gnised him wit his new haircut...alaa..the haircut yg mcm tentera..wh0a..!!He came back fr0m sibu f0r 2 days then t0day at 2.30 pm went back t0 this academy 0f which i dunn0 wat is dat academy is...but he's takin marine engineering..after the mass ended,we went t0 KGS f0r 0ur havin 0mallete n sweet n s0ur fish fillet f0r my lunch..b0y,i d0 eat a l0t these days...hehehe..i juz cant st0p eating..
smpi dekat rumah,i sat d0wn in fr0nt 0f my televisi0n f0r alm0st than 2 h0urs watching samsung w0men h0ckey tr0phey championship..argentina vs 0n the australia side c0z they has m0re y0ung players c0mpared t0 argentina but they did gave a t0ugh fight against argentina..but i admire this 0ne player name lucia aymar fr0m argentina n munr0 fr0m australia..tehy b0th a really2 g0od players...after the end 0f sec0nd half,there n0 sc0re fr0m b0th team..s0 there's an extra 35 minutes t0 play the g0lden g0al but still there's n0 sc0re fr0m b0th team...then they have t0 d0 the flick 0f which argentina w0n 4-3..argentina 0nce again defended their champi0n f0r 3 years..! W0w!!
well..gtg n0w..! I wanna c0ok p0tat0 chips..
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Fun,fun n fun!!!
I w0ke up early eventh0ugh its saturday...why..? C0z im sending my br0ther t0 c0llege c0z he g0t activities which i dunn0 wat...went all the way t0 batu 7 t0 send my br0 at 7.30am..n0t 0nly that,im wakin up early t0day c0z i have t0 attend ngajat classes at tun jugah Dayak Cultural Foundation..class start b4 9 and finish at 10. Then at 10.30,i have t0 attend my betab0h classes...b0y,it was reli fun..!!im addicted at playing tradisional music 12 afterno0n,i went t0 sp wit my friends then went back t0 tuin jugah again f0r lunch...guess wat im havin f0r lunch..? Crispy mee aka t0mat0 mee aka mee fwevet!!!!!!! L0l..
At 1.30 im heading back t0 DCF t0 attend my sape classes..yeah..cant st0p addicted!!!
Btw,the weather is damn h0t..!!
At 1.30 im heading back t0 DCF t0 attend my sape classes..yeah..cant st0p addicted!!!
Btw,the weather is damn h0t..!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Picty picture tyme..
Friday, July 10, 2009
an0ther p0st fr0m me
Next day,we assemble at dataran jaya t0 check 0ur attendence..then s0 talk fr0m the teachers....the g0t p0c02 lagi...kinda b0red sudah wit p0c02...after that,went straight t0 dewan f0r badmint0n t0urnament against rumah helang..yeah!! we w0n lagi...s0rry helang..ar0und 10 we assemble lg at dewan f0r majlis usual,rumah rajawali gain their vict0ry 0nce again....
Friday, July 3, 2009
Finally...dpt juga update bl0g...and 0n9...!!!
n0thn much 2 say....g0t n0t enuf time t0 update my pic 4 da h0lidae dulu...
neway...sch0ol is having our carnival sukan...and sadly...x berapa meriah c0mpare t0 the last carnival sukan...played h0ckey and rumah garuda is g0in t0 meet cendrawasih in final...played badmint0n wit cendrawasih n we w0n...get t0 g0 the next r0und...its been a l0ng time since i didnt play badmint0n n i still g0t the m0ve....hehehe...cant believe it...but gettin suck n sucker in bdmntn....
class is talkin much bout plkn n0w...mahfuz is well as nadia,russel and zaidatul...mahfuz already planned like m0nths earlier on g0in 2 plkn....cant believe its my final year in smk matang jaya...huhuhu...pretty sad...
anyway...went t0 sch0ol at 2pm t0 supp0rt my hubby...he in rumah helang...helang l0ses t0 cendrawasih...g0in t0 sch0ol again....(datz wat we students d0 rite..?)
p/s: 2 ****** eye,ur a bcith..fcuk u biatch..d0 wat u d0 best and suck it up..we are n0t b0rn t0 please u.
n0thn much 2 say....g0t n0t enuf time t0 update my pic 4 da h0lidae dulu...
neway...sch0ol is having our carnival sukan...and sadly...x berapa meriah c0mpare t0 the last carnival sukan...played h0ckey and rumah garuda is g0in t0 meet cendrawasih in final...played badmint0n wit cendrawasih n we w0n...get t0 g0 the next r0und...its been a l0ng time since i didnt play badmint0n n i still g0t the m0ve....hehehe...cant believe it...but gettin suck n sucker in bdmntn....
class is talkin much bout plkn n0w...mahfuz is well as nadia,russel and zaidatul...mahfuz already planned like m0nths earlier on g0in 2 plkn....cant believe its my final year in smk matang jaya...huhuhu...pretty sad...
anyway...went t0 sch0ol at 2pm t0 supp0rt my hubby...he in rumah helang...helang l0ses t0 cendrawasih...g0in t0 sch0ol again....(datz wat we students d0 rite..?)
p/s: 2 ****** eye,ur a bcith..fcuk u biatch..d0 wat u d0 best and suck it up..we are n0t b0rn t0 please u.
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