im havin my h0lidae yesterday..after tiring days 0f sch00l sp0rt's carnival...yeah..0n the first day,i f0ll0wed the perbarisan f0r rumah garuda f0r the 0pening cerem0ny...rumah garuda w0n the perbarisan..!Yipee..! hehe...after the perbarisan,there were kawad kaki n kawad f0rmasi fr0m the p0lice cadet...then there's p0c02...which m0st 0f the students n teachers f0ll0wed..after j0ining the p0c02 f0r a while,i went straight t0 our stall(c0z i cant stand the h0t weather) which sells ayam penyet,fruits,air selasih n 0ther f0ods..d0ne wit the 0penig cerem0ny,i went back t0 dataran jaya t0 handle the h0ckey c0mpetition...h0ckey went 0n sm0othly....cant believe rumah garuda defeated rumah cenderawasih f0r the u-19 girls h0ckey...muna was in rumah cenderawasih...playing against a sarawak player was a lil well u n0e hw i feel..after a tiring game,which we w0n..hehehe...i went back t0 stall wit my hubby....then mahfuz belanja me a drink..! Thanx..! Then me,hubby n my friends enj0ying our time at our stall...talking...g0ssiping...j0king..we had s0 much fun..!
Next day,we assemble at dataran jaya t0 check 0ur attendence..then s0 talk fr0m the teachers....the g0t p0c02 lagi...kinda b0red sudah wit p0c02...after that,went straight t0 dewan f0r badmint0n t0urnament against rumah helang..yeah!! we w0n lagi...s0rry helang..ar0und 10 we assemble lg at dewan f0r majlis penutupan...as usual,rumah rajawali gain their vict0ry 0nce again....
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