Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Days seem t0 pass by quickly with0ut we kn0wing it..n exam is just ar0und the juz seem i dun have enuf time t0 study..i really wanna d0 well in my,1A equal t0 a red n0te..urrmm..wanted it s0 much..!!
w0ke up as usual but i cant sleep well last nite cz i dunny why..kept waking in the middle 0f the nite..kinda freaky cz im afraid 0f the dark..i cant st0p thinking 0f...nah..w0uldnt t0ld y0u..*shy*
had perhimpunan usual,a l0t 0f blah,blah,blah..then 2nd peri0d g0t sej..sej was 0kie..then english..went t0 library..wanted t0 search f0r chicken s0up n0vel but cant cz we hav 2 write an article..hmm..went t0 sch0ol canteen during recess..we had t0 rush 0r else tiada tempat..i think the admin shud d0 sumthin b0ut this..
after rehat,there's math..g0sh..i felt like wanna sn0oze..i felt really sleepy..then last 2 peri0d is bm..laugh a l0t..all cz 0f my friends n my hubby..l0ve them s0 much..!!
arrived h0me alm0st 2..fry my p0pia n ate them all..hehe..thinking 0f cutting my hair again but afraid dat it'll be hideous..s0,cut my hair later liking my sh0rt hair..much easier than havin l0ng hair..
then at evening im munchin my ch0c0late wafer..
n0w,im 0nline n updating my faceb0ok..th0se wh0 havent add my faceb0ok,y0u can add really 0ut 0f idea nw..


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