Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fun,fun n fun!!!

I w0ke up early eventh0ugh its saturday...why..? C0z im sending my br0ther t0 c0llege c0z he g0t activities which i dunn0 wat...went all the way t0 batu 7 t0 send my br0 at 7.30am..n0t 0nly that,im wakin up early t0day c0z i have t0 attend ngajat classes at tun jugah Dayak Cultural Foundation..class start b4 9 and finish at 10. Then at 10.30,i have t0 attend my betab0h classes...b0y,it was reli fun..!!im addicted at playing tradisional music 12 afterno0n,i went t0 sp wit my friends then went back t0 tuin jugah again f0r lunch...guess wat im havin f0r lunch..? Crispy mee aka t0mat0 mee aka mee fwevet!!!!!!! L0l..
At 1.30 im heading back t0 DCF t0 attend my sape classes..yeah..cant st0p addicted!!!

Btw,the weather is damn h0t..!!

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