its n0t dat i dun like g0in t0 church..but its damn early...
w0ke up at 7.50..g0 mandi..eat s0me chipsm0re f0r my bweakfast..
then at 8.50 went t0 church..dr0p my dad at sat0k..
guess wat??my hubby slept n didnt w0ke up until 11..! Nice sleep...(jeles..huhu)
bef0re the mass started,i saw this sum1...he smiled at me...he l0oked n0t0rious th0u..im freak out..but then,after scanning my mind f0r few sec0nds then irealised that he is my c0usin,raphel..!cant rec0gnised him wit his new haircut...alaa..the haircut yg mcm tentera..wh0a..!!He came back fr0m sibu f0r 2 days then t0day at 2.30 pm went back t0 this academy 0f which i dunn0 wat is dat academy is...but he's takin marine engineering..after the mass ended,we went t0 KGS f0r 0ur lunch...im havin 0mallete n sweet n s0ur fish fillet f0r my lunch..b0y,i d0 eat a l0t these days...hehehe..i juz cant st0p eating..
smpi dekat rumah,i sat d0wn in fr0nt 0f my televisi0n f0r alm0st than 2 h0urs watching samsung w0men h0ckey tr0phey championship..argentina vs australia..im 0n the australia side c0z they has m0re y0ung players c0mpared t0 argentina but they did gave a t0ugh fight against argentina..but i admire this 0ne player name lucia aymar fr0m argentina n munr0 fr0m australia..tehy b0th a really2 g0od players...after the end 0f sec0nd half,there n0 sc0re fr0m b0th team..s0 there's an extra 35 minutes t0 play the g0lden g0al but still there's n0 sc0re fr0m b0th team...then they have t0 d0 the flick 0f which argentina w0n 4-3..argentina 0nce again defended their champi0n f0r 3 years..! W0w!!
well..gtg n0w..! I wanna c0ok p0tat0 chips..
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