Friday, December 18, 2009
gudbye.. :D eexcited als0...its been ages since i didnt balik limbang..the last time is pr0bably when i ws in f0rm 2 0 3...cant remember..
i have t0 wake up early 2m0r0 as my dad wantd t0 bring us t0 dad nt c0min due t0 the limited cuti given bc0z 0f the rising 0f chikungunya,malarin n etc desease....everyday there's at least 40 n ab0ve 0f these cases acr0ss sarawak...
but...h0pefully i'll enj0y my christmas in limbang...n i d0 h0pe dat i w0nt b partying n drinking to0 much....i've g0t t0ns 0f stuff t0 pack...
so0...........i bttr g0 nw...to0dless...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
j0b in the air..
anyway...went dinner last nite wit my cuzzy n his parents...its his birthday actually...went t0 seafo0d..its been a l0nt time since i didnt ate seafo0d...the last time is last week i think..we went t0 h0ng k0ng no0dlee n the butter prawn is simply delici0us..!! 0f the cravings...i ate a l0t 0f buttr prawn..ambal(which is yummily co0ked dat i finished m0re than half dat is 0rdered..hee..)..midin..(my fwevet..!) and crab..! the rest i didnt ate dat much...n yes im still craves f0r the sea cucumber s0up..
while uncle ask me bout my spm which ends 0n the 8th...s0 yea..!! im t0tally free nw..the gud uncle 0ffered me pil0t studies wit sch0larships..!! yea..!! results havent 0ut yet but i 0lredy being 0ffered...unf0rtunately...there are certain height n weight dat is needed...n if my results are go0d,my studies will b sp0ns0red....n0 w0rries..! cept dat i need t0 sc0re 0f c0urse.. :C
pray 4 me..! ;D
Thursday, December 10, 2009
j0y t0 the w0rld
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
you'll b in my heart.. :D
Monday, September 21, 2009
happy m0od....

and t0day i w0ke up 0lm0st 11...! hehehe...dun blame me....after breakfast my family n i went t0 sbaerkas t0 check my br0 lapt0p...pr0blem wit the m0therb0ard thingy...days seem t0 pass by sl0wly..n u just dunn0 y....but still...cant wait f0r saturday....weee..!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Greaty,great day.. xp
anyway....when i didnt wake up when my dad w0ke me up,my dad g0 n 0n the radi0 s0 l0ud that it makes me wanna sh0ut...l0l..g0 mandi which makes me shiver c0z the water was s0 damn c0ld..then get ready f0r my classes...bef0re heading t0 tun jugah,my dad,my adek n me went t0 th0mps0n c0rner f0r breakfast...i 0rdered this sundr0p which is c0ld 2...yummy2...i dun like t0 have h0t drinks in the m0rning u 8smthn2 went t0 tun jugah f0r my ngajat classes which supp0se t0 start at 9 but when i reached there,they wanna start 0dy...finish ngajat,my thighs are feelin quite pain...we use a l0t 0f muscle at the thighs during ngajat u n0e..then at 10.30 at im havin my btab0h classes..practise2 till 12.00..then lunch h0ur...went t0 kfc wit my adek...then jalan2 at sarawak plaza t0 kill the time...cuz sape classes 0nly starts at 1.30..sape classes finishes at 3pm..i t0t we were g0in straight h0me..but we went t0 sh0p at tun jugah dad b0ught few camel w0rk shirts...then went makan2 at pizza hut...i eat a l0t at kfc that aftern0on n im feedin myself wit 2 appetite are s0......then g0 jalan2 at sarawak plaza...there's a sale there...i b0ught a yell0w go0gles shirt wit m0m pays..hehe...
t0day...we juz went t0 emart t0 buy kitchen stuff...
to0dless...gtg n study...
Sunday, August 30, 2009
g0in sh0pping..AGAIN.. :p
anyway..mass finished at 0lm0st 11...then wait f0r daddy t0 pick us up cz daddy send inik g0 inik is here..but she's g0in h0me 0n tuesday...wat8vr lah....when daddy pick us up,my aunt wes in the car t0o..which makes my m0od t0 fall this means that we are g0in t0 squeze ourself like sardines...n I HATE IT S0 MUCH..!!plus it is s00 a bit sulking 0l the way t0 sat0k...but when me n my m0m reached the ladies department,my m0od increases...ehehe..y..? c0z i manage t0 persuade my m0m t0 buy 0ne 0 tw0 stuff..well 0kae..a l0t..hehe..i b0ught this 0ne amazing skinnies which 0nly c0st 32 fits perfectly 0n me..yea!! u see..i've been l0oking f0r a skinnies but fits me perfectly but u n0e lh my a small figure kinda girl which makes me hard t0 find cl0tthings that fits me nicely...g0sh..i need t0 eat up a l0t 0f carb n pr0teins...
then i b0ught new clips...lip gl0ss..u n0e..the girl is 0n sale...
then went t0 bt.4 f0r lunch n g0 jln2 at everise there...i b0ught new panties..really nice..but i w0nt sh0w it t0 u..s0wie..hihi..then after l0ng2 time at everise we 0l plg lah..really tired th0u..0h ya,my m0m b0ught 4 chaffing dish which 0nly c0st her 30 bucks each wit her emart membership card....
i wanna g0 bath n0w..to0dless....
Saturday, August 29, 2009
stuck like a tatto0
what a day...
uhu..hw cud this be..i wish i w0ke up earlier...that's 0l lah...
Friday, August 28, 2009
sh0p,sh0p.. XD

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
hair cut g0ne wr0ng...

anyway,went t0 pasar wit my m0m n lil br0 t0day...i b0ught a new g0ld ring which my m0m b0ught f0r me...i prefer silver 0ver g0ld actually...but my m0m dun wanna buy silver ring f0r me...nvr mind anyway....then g0 jalan t0 c0z im searchin f0r a nice casual dress..tired 0f using jeans n minis...f0und 0ne which l0ok reli sweet n nice but it d0esnt fit me..(n0 thanx t0 my small b0dy) s0,in the end i didnt b0ught any dress...then went t0 kfc..g0 mkn2 till kenyang..then wait f0r daddy t0 pick us up...
g0sh..i still hate my hair..!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Beat 0f my heart..~~

my dad has g0ne t0 stakan t0 play badmint0n wit his fell0w friends..while my lil br0 n me is stuck in h0me..
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Heart 0f Glass..

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Babyd0ll G0ne Wr0ng..
Monday, August 10, 2009
My heart..
c0z i have t0 mandi early...g0 study till i cant stand it..c0z 2m0r0 is exam..reli wanna try my best 0ut there cz spm is like 3 m0nths away..crazy rite..?im running t0 catching up 0n subjects that still bel0w credit..g0sh..sumtime i felt reli tired 0f this n wanted t0 quit but then i'll regret it..s0,i hv 2 be str0ng..d0ne wit spm,i'll be enj0ying myself..treating myself wit l0ts 0f party..g0sh..i havent partying a l0t n0wadays..yep..i l0ve partying n dance till late nite but im n0t a wild child kie..!
anyway,i need t0 sc0re in this exam..(c0z my hubby pr0mised me a nice wallet,a sundress n ch0c0late if i d0ne well in this exam..!my m0m even pr0mised me an A equals t0 RM10..)which starts t0m0rr0w..!!i havent study yet..!
i'll hv t0 ch0w2 n0w..
Friday, August 7, 2009
anyway,recess like usual..n0thn unusual g0in 0n in my sch0ol..then there's bi0..quite intresting chapter..repr0ducti0n..nw dun tell me ur n0t intrested in that chapter..that's rubbish dude..its like the m0st intresting chapter man..anyway,when we arrived at bi0 lab,sir cyril was n0t there yet..few students came late n we made them t0 sing the passw0rd..n yet,sir cyril was still n0t in..we decided t0 make him sing the passw0rd cnnt..huhu..anyway..went back h0me at 11.40..g0in h0me with my mask 0n..n0 thanx t0 the haze n pe0ple wh0 0pen burn the f0rest..
reach h0me alm0st 12..wanted t0 get an0ther haircut but my mum said wait till payday larr..huhuhu.
while my hubby went t0 clinic f0r a check up..he has this c0ughng n lelah..
then msg wit my hbby till my eyes felt heavy..t0ld my hubby that i wanted t0 sleep then went t0 land 0f ZzZZ..
i barely slept f0r 3 h0urs c0z 0f the h0tness..g0sh..
g0tta g0 n0w..
g0nna rendam dalam c0ld water..l0l..
Sunday, August 2, 2009
W0rd.. reli 0ut 0f idea n0w..
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Feelin g0od..
Friday, July 31, 2009
cuz my head is dizzy rite n0w..really dizzy..(damn the weather..!!)i cant stand h0t weather makes me makes me makes me lg its kinda hazey here..ahh!!
i'll st0p ere..
reli need t0 geta rest n sleep..wish me well s0on..
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
w0ke up as usual but i cant sleep well last nite cz i dunny why..kept waking in the middle 0f the nite..kinda freaky cz im afraid 0f the dark..i cant st0p thinking 0f...nah..w0uldnt t0ld y0u..*shy*
had perhimpunan usual,a l0t 0f blah,blah,blah..then 2nd peri0d g0t sej..sej was 0kie..then english..went t0 library..wanted t0 search f0r chicken s0up n0vel but cant cz we hav 2 write an article..hmm..went t0 sch0ol canteen during recess..we had t0 rush 0r else tiada tempat..i think the admin shud d0 sumthin b0ut this..
after rehat,there's math..g0sh..i felt like wanna sn0oze..i felt really sleepy..then last 2 peri0d is bm..laugh a l0t..all cz 0f my friends n my hubby..l0ve them s0 much..!!
arrived h0me alm0st 2..fry my p0pia n ate them all..hehe..thinking 0f cutting my hair again but afraid dat it'll be hideous..s0,cut my hair later liking my sh0rt hair..much easier than havin l0ng hair..
then at evening im munchin my ch0c0late wafer..
n0w,im 0nline n updating my faceb0ok..th0se wh0 havent add my faceb0ok,y0u can add really 0ut 0f idea nw..
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Spending m0ney..

Friday, July 24, 2009
Yet an0ther day..

reached h0me alm0st 12...then watched tv...g0 makan..then mandi..had a lil bit crisis wit my hubby but everythng went 0kay..entirely my fault..s0wie hubby....ar0und 3.45 went t0 sch0ol t0 play badmint0n wit my hubby n few 0ther friends...played pairing wit my hubby...but we quite suck in badmint0n..0uch..then play single against mahfuz..kalah lagi..gawd..!cant believe i l0st t0 mahfuz gain..!but he g0t an advantage...he's far taller than me..g0sh...arrived h0me alm0st 6.30..then watced rahsia pelangi..then 0nline till n0w..
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
An0ther Day has g0ne..
Sunday, July 19, 2009
T0day...H0ckey final!

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Fun,fun n fun!!!
At 1.30 im heading back t0 DCF t0 attend my sape classes..yeah..cant st0p addicted!!!
Btw,the weather is damn h0t..!!